Many AX / D365 customers have supply chain requirements that include scanning barcodes that are formatted to the GS1-128 standard. This includes barcodes that have multiple data elements where each element starts with an Application identifier and can either be fixed or variable length.

  1. For use with the D365 Warehouse App and WHSWorkExecute

  2. Parameters to signify special characters for "start of barcode", "end of barcode" and "end of variable length barcode segment"

  3. New table for GS1-128 Application identifiers e.g. 00 = SSCC (Licence plate), 10 = Batch etc.

  4. New table to map the Warehouse App fields to individual barcode segments e.g. 00 = Licence plate, 10 = Batch

  5. A single scan of a barcode that includes multiple data elements, each with its own GS1-128 Application identifier, will populate all associated fields, e.g. during Purchase receive, one scan will populate Batch + Batch date + Expiry date

  6. Scanning will include the removal of the Application identifier e.g. 00012345678012345678 will be processed as Licence plate = 012345678012345678

  7. Applies to all Warehouse App activities that involve the scan of a barcode

Under Review



In the meantime, we build a solution that covers the entire flexibility of the GS1 setup of barcodes in the EAN-128 format: AI's, variable or fixed length,.. Support for multiple flows in WHS on the scanner. 'Storing' scanned values for reuse later in the process,... Anyway, we submitted the solution to MS who are willing to integrate it in the standard 'soon' but probably not for the April 21 release. If anyone is interested in it, feel free to contact me... (stevenhermanscegekacom)

Category: Warehouse management


Agree that this is needed.

Category: Warehouse management


We wrote a GS1-128 process using process guides and updates to controls, happy for the code to be reviewed or submit using CDD

Category: Warehouse management


We put in our own customization for this in AX 2012 R3, re-using existing the barcode classes containing most of the standard GS1 AIs. For us this is key in both inbound, stock management, and outbound as a producing company. Without a solution handling this area we cannot use the standard scanner application in D365

Category: Warehouse management


RFSmart has a very robust feature which enables this capability. It would be great if D365 also has something similar. Not having this functionality today is a big limitation.

Category: Warehouse management


A request has come to me to deal with the GS1 stacked databar in D365FO and MPOS, which like the GS-128 format is variable length and uses application identifiers . I have products coming soon that need to track lot and expiration date in the bar code, so this functionality would be really handy to have.

Category: Warehouse management


Would be very helpfull

Category: Warehouse management


Please make a smart investment into GS1-128. If the majority of your D365FO deployments have to create a customization to get this done, then it's highly desirable and needed. Please push this from under review to planned for the sake of your customers.

Category: Warehouse management


Is there any news on this subject from Microsoft?
We have asked for this functionality multiple times as it is a requirement in almost every implementation.

Category: Warehouse management


Please also include a framework which also supports 2D Barcodes used in EDI/ Automotive and more – see:
2D Barcodes in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (e.g. PDF417)

Category: Warehouse management