This request is very similar to one that already exists for adding the GL Accounts to the approval e-mail, however instead of just notifying the approver of the GL coding via the e-mail, it would be nice if the approver could make changes to the GL coding. If the GL account was added to the approval e-mail, then the approver could at least review it and then suggest changes in the comments, but this is still a rather clunky solution. I think it would be better if the approver was able see all of the GL distributions for a particular transaction and then make changes to them directly as needed, like from the Workflow Action window that pops up as an approver either approves or rejects the item and also allows the entering of comments.
Administrator on 7/9/2019 2:55:53 PM
Thank you for the suggestion. We will consider this for a future release.
Jodi Christiansen
PM, Microsoft