Could this be fixed instead of having to continue to Reconcile for those using Attendance? When you build checks in Payroll, the following warning is displayed on the Build Check File Report even though the employee has sufficient vacation hours in the Employee Attendance Maintenance window: Vacation pay hours exceed vacation available This problem occurs if the following conditions are true: The checkbox is marked in Payroll for Warn When Vacation Available Falls Below Zero or Warn When Sick Time Available Falls Below Zero. The Accrue type is set to Human Resources. To resolve the error, the warning checkboxes on the Payroll side need to be cleared. Even though accruals are done in Human Resources, the warning flags on the Payroll side are still being read and cause the error.
Jodi Christiansen (administrator) on 4/30/2019 7:39:53 PM
Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider this for a future release.