Through authorizations it is -theoretically- possible to restrict users to certain warehouses. However, with a large number of warehouses and users the drawback is: - lot of setup work - slow performance - not possible to grant a user - full access to warehouse A, - read access to warehouse B - no access to warehouse C. In my opinion it would be great to have a setup table "feasible warehouses per user". Preferably with authorization levels: full control, read, none. This should be respected at least in: - sales header - sales line - purchase header - purchase line - quotation header - quotation line - production order - production BOM - wave - load - shipment - work - on hand inventory - IC on hand inventory - transfer order header - warehouses - locations - inventory transactions Should be possible to setup from warehouse, and from user. Data area ID of the warehouse should also be part of the new table.

Category: Inventory
Needs Votes



Very important feature that is lacking.

Category: Inventory



We have developed similar customization so if MCS wanted to review that Customization and incorporate then we are open to discuss this.

Uttam Bandivadekar

Category: Inventory


Must have!

Category: Inventory