In the GER, please implement embedded functions
DIV(real _operand, int _divisor) for integer division with truncation and
MOD(real _operand, int _moduloBy) for the modulo division.
In addition, please implement a scope attribute in the Counter element to have multiple counters running in parallel and for example be able to assign the same counter in the same record at 2 places.
My blog documents my struggles with this regards.
Hello, TRUNC() is DIV(x, 10), i.e. it is less powerful and useful.
To be honest, the Electronic Reporting is rarely used by functional consultants ("oh, it's too technical" is the common answer), and the Excel affinity is not a real benefit.
Category: Globalization - Regulatory features
Hello Eugen,
Would it be more Excel-like to implement TRUNC(real value, truncated digits integer) function instead of the suggested above DIV()? And use this TRUNC() function with the existing division operation?
Thank you,
Category: Globalization - Regulatory features
Administrator on 7/5/2019 9:14:08 AM
Thank you for your feedback.
This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.
Mikhail Filatov,
Principal Engineering Lead,