Vendor batch data entry (vendor batch ID, expiry date, country of origin) on the mobile device should be possible to setup in the item model group, and date format in the warehouse worker.
Currently, all data has to be entered on the mobile device in a less efficient way, and date entry is error-prone.
It is fine if there are multiple screens, as long as each screen is relevant, and data entry is easy and non-ambiguous.
Vendor batch number should always be asked first. A GS1 data matrix or batch barcode with multiple AI's should be interpreted. One scan is sufficient to fill batch date, best before date and expiry date.
If the vendor batch is already known, in most cases it is not needed to re-enter the already known dates and country of origins,
Proposed extra setting on item model group when Vendor batch registration is switched on:
Vendor batch date: 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Vendor batch best before 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Vendor batch exp date 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Country of origin 1 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Country of origin 2 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Use vendor batch date as manufacturing date Y/N
Use vendor expiry date as expiry date Y/N
"First time only" means: if this information is already known for the current vendor batch, do not ask for this information again, so skip the screen.
DDMMYY or MMDDYY or YYMMDD should be possible to setup on the warehouse worker.
On the mobile screen, display which format is used.
No dashes or slashes etc. needed upon entry.
Currently, all data has to be entered on the mobile device in a less efficient way, and date entry is error-prone.
It is fine if there are multiple screens, as long as each screen is relevant, and data entry is easy and non-ambiguous.
Vendor batch number should always be asked first. A GS1 data matrix or batch barcode with multiple AI's should be interpreted. One scan is sufficient to fill batch date, best before date and expiry date.
If the vendor batch is already known, in most cases it is not needed to re-enter the already known dates and country of origins,
Proposed extra setting on item model group when Vendor batch registration is switched on:
Vendor batch date: 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Vendor batch best before 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Vendor batch exp date 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Country of origin 1 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Country of origin 2 0 = Always; 1 = First time only; 2 = Never
Use vendor batch date as manufacturing date Y/N
Use vendor expiry date as expiry date Y/N
"First time only" means: if this information is already known for the current vendor batch, do not ask for this information again, so skip the screen.
DDMMYY or MMDDYY or YYMMDD should be possible to setup on the warehouse worker.
On the mobile screen, display which format is used.
No dashes or slashes etc. needed upon entry.
Needs Votes