For an item that is batch above and WHS, with FEFO reservation, it has 2 batches with same expiry date:
BATCH1 01/11/2017 stocked in location A01-00-E3 Bulk location
BATCH2 01/11/2017 stocked in location A01-01-A1 Pick location
During sales order reservation, BATCH1 is selected and the one proposed in the work. So, warehouse worker must go to the Bulk location that is less accessible than Picking when there is stock in Picking with same Expiry date.

It should reserve the one in Picking location.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

This is a different feedback.

Sending it back for votes as it's a specific case not handle with the feature mentioned by Per below.



Thank you for your feedback. We are re-categorizing this feedback to get it in front of the right team.

This team is currently working on enabling most of the "batch above"-capabilities for configurations running with "batch below".



Per Lykke Lynnerup

PM, Microsoft



You can manage that by setting up a sorting in the location direction action's query : sort by on-hand inventory ascending. This way it will always choose pick locations first. You can also set a lower sort code on your pick locations and sort by that.

Category: Warehouse management


great idea

Category: Warehouse management


Regards the "batch above/below" topic, is it possible to know what the team is working on? This to avoid to open new Idea requests on the subject ...

Category: Warehouse management