Whilst I appreciate the complexities of creating and maintaining payment connectors, it is really difficult to be taken seriously when selling a POS solution that doesn't offer this ability out of the box! Quite honestly it puts us as at an immediate disadvantage when up against ALL other retail POS solutions. Customers do not like the idea of third party add on's for payment solutions, where possible, they would prefer (and expect) an ability available as standard. Even if they have a limited choice of PSP's, it is better than none. I am happy to provide any assistance I can to help you go this moving, but I feel it really needs to be on the roadmap. Please help us Europeans out on this!!!!
while this was added in Oct release, Retail Realm has 3 connectors currently available in the UK/Europe. http://retailrealm.com/ for more info, thanks!
Category: Payments
Administrator on 7/18/2019 10:49:53 AM
Andrew, please join the Yammer Retail Interest group and attend our monthly meetings. We talk about our plans for payment connector frequently. These changes are in development currently.
The upcoming Adyen connector will support global payments. Please stay tuned to our release notes and documentation for more information as this connector begins to role out to General Availability.