Multibuy discount over several transactions - Loyalty Have not found a good solution in the loyalty system regarding the scenario: The customer comes to the store and buys the same item, and when the customer has bought X number of the item, over several transactions, the customer gets the item for free. Ex. Get the 5th Coca Cola free: 01.feb. buys 1 Coca cola, 10.feb. buys 2 Coca cola 13.feb. buys 1 Coca cola 15.feb. buys 2 Coca cola - Gets 1 Coca Cola free, and pays for 1, as the 5th is free.
This feature is commonly use in Retail businesses, please add this in. We call this feature Frequent Buyer Program, encourage customer to purchase more on specific product or group of products to get special discount or free gift.
Category: Merchandising
Administrator on 7/12/2019 8:02:20 PM
Thank you for the product suggestion! We will continue to monitor this idea and the votes to determine if it will be given a position in our backlog. -Holly Haines, Principal Program Manager