Classic packing slip posting functionallity allows to include in the posting non-stocked product lines. This option is not available when you go to the Load and you post the packing slip directly from the load.
It should be possible to include those:
Under parameters
Quantity: picked quantity and non-stocked products
This cannot be a major change for Microsoft to add, and TBH requesting a delivery note from anywhere on the system should offer the same end result.
The work-around of printing delivery notes from the sales order is less than ideal because of the very real risk of forgetting to include a sales order in a multi-order load.
Category: Warehouse management
Would be very helpful !!
Category: Warehouse management
Is definitely a requirement! Should be integrated in the standard.
Also the option to split the packing slip manually by modifying the packing slip lines would be required, because sometimes you need a packing slip split by sales order, item number or batch number.
Basically the same range of functionality that you have when you execute the packing slip posting from the sales order.
Category: Warehouse management
Yes, it would be useful
Category: Warehouse management
Note that the packing slip can be generated from
the load
the shipment
the packing station
In all these processes, it should be possible to opt for packing slip posting based on Picked + not-stocked items.
Category: Warehouse management
Would be very helpful
Category: Warehouse management
Administrator on 10/8/2020 9:26:26 AM
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Mirza Abdic'
Senior PM, Microsoft