When you are creating a new case, there is no control for Add Email on Activities tab in the social pane. There are only Add Phone Call and Add task in Activities tab.

I would like to have 'Add Email' along with Add Phone Call and Add Task when creating a new case.
Or, I would like it if there are no Activities fields to be added in the social pane to be fair.
This is very important for my clients' needs in order to formalize their business operation.

Ideas Administrator

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Well this idea is already worked out. Meanwhile we have these options in CRM2016.

We can now add Phone Calls, Tasks, Emails, Appointments and Text Messages.

However, if you configure the Personal Options in CRM for Outlook at General and select Contacts, Tasks, Emails, Appointments which forms to use for new activities this does NOT function from the Social Pane!!!

By default, Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook uses standard Outlook forms for new activities. However, Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms might have custom fields that are more specific to your needs. To use CRM forms instead, select the check box for those activities. Be aware this does not function from the Social Pane!!!

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance