Ability to have one item consumed and many items produced out of it, as a manufacturing type.

Could be used in many different scenarios, as for example:
- fabric cutting
- all kind of animals farming for meat
- CNC cutting, etc.

Rather for Manufacturing Category, if such is planned to be opened.
Category: Manufacturing
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Have you analysed the Production Families feature: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/production-how-work-family, could you specify the missing functionality?


Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



I have a customer who cuts wood into boards. Into the machine we put one tree log and on the other side come out boards in different sizes, for example:
2 pieces. 30x10 (first output item)
15pcs 30x1 (second output item)
8 pcs 20x20 (third output item)
In this case the number of output elements is variable because it depends on the diameter of the input material. See this picture https://i.redd.it/z8xjvnrdbwhz.jpg

A second customer processes milk. He passes the milk (4% fat percentage) through a centrifuge and at the output we get:
- 0.5% fat milk
- cream

We need a solution that can handle these cases. At the input we have one or more raw materials and at the output we can get one or more finished products or/and waste. This functionality must correctly calculate the costs

Category: Manufacturing


Family will not do the job. A good example is in the wood industry. The input is a tree with let's say a cost of 100$. once the tree is processes in the machine it becomes 4 - 2 x 6 x 12 + 2 - 2 x 6 x 10. You have to affect the cost to the output accordingly either based on the Qty or the UOM (In this case by PMP for example). Give a call to the AX team that built the process manufacturing module :)

Category: Manufacturing


Families don't quite do this. I want to consume 1 raw material (or several raw materials) to make a dozen finished goods. The cost (and lot/serial number) of the consumption needs to be allocated to the dozen finished goods.

Category: Manufacturing


By-products or many items produced would be very helpful to increase BC's manufacturing capability.

Category: Manufacturing


Family Orders can do this, but many times there are some modifications to make it more useful (IE distributing consumption based on output).

Also Insight Works Shop Floor has a combined Order functionality that can combine multiple production orders for reporting labor and output.

Category: Manufacturing