One issue we face again and again in Financial Reporter is consolidation across a large number of entities. Any client with many entities using D365 Finance will have issues when their report Trees need a row for each entity and dimension combination. For example; a client with 30 departments and 16 locations (each a dimension) want a consolidated view for their 25 entities. To make matters worse they also want a drill-down by location-department. While doable, the tree becomes very big and almost unmanageable because of the combinations must be created for each entity as a separate row (level) in the tree.
Suggestion: create a new formula called "@ALL". Basically this command would be used on the Tree in the Company column selection. It basically instructs the tree to use ALL entities in the system when generating the report. Therefore we would no longer need to replicate each row for each different entity. @ALL would simply grab all entities.
Suggestion: create a new formula called "@ALL". Basically this command would be used on the Tree in the Company column selection. It basically instructs the tree to use ALL entities in the system when generating the report. Therefore we would no longer need to replicate each row for each different entity. @ALL would simply grab all entities.