Default description for Vendor payment should be clarified.
Expected result
1. Same behavior is expected with payment proposal or manual settlement
2. Same result whatever length of information.
Vendor-payment, Vendor can include invoice number and if length is too large for Description. In this case Note field is used to report information.
Only the text part (without %x) will be reported under description.
Field note default description from Vendor-Payment, Vendor
Field Description default description from Vendor-Payment, Ledger
Allow to add optional variables that are unique by transaction voucher (Vendor, method of payment….)
If description is empty, check for default description for Vendor-Payment, Ledger
If description is populated, take manual journal description
Description will be applied on Voucher transactions (both sides)
Expected result
1. Same behavior is expected with payment proposal or manual settlement
2. Same result whatever length of information.
Vendor-payment, Vendor can include invoice number and if length is too large for Description. In this case Note field is used to report information.
Only the text part (without %x) will be reported under description.
Field note default description from Vendor-Payment, Vendor
Field Description default description from Vendor-Payment, Ledger
Allow to add optional variables that are unique by transaction voucher (Vendor, method of payment….)
If description is empty, check for default description for Vendor-Payment, Ledger
If description is populated, take manual journal description
Description will be applied on Voucher transactions (both sides)