For example if you use 1 of a particular component no matter what quantity the production order is for you could set the item up as fixed quantity with the quantity = 1.
This would also be valuable if you were to want to adjust a BOM on a particular production order and call for a fixed amount of a component either on or not on the BOM. there are times it is not directly a quantity per item but a quantity per order.
You can manually consume components in any amount but we would like ot be able to setup the production order bom in advance if possible so the material is planned and if you create a pick the item and amount would be on a pick for the order.
The change should be put as an option to the "Calculation Formula" field on Prod. BOM Lines and Prod Order BOM Lines. I have done this before.
It should also be looked into in the Costing Calculation.
Category: Manufacturing
I have often made the 'Expected Quantity' on the production Order Component Line editable.
Work well when you want to consume and especially return (negative consumption) an absolute quantity.
Would be good if we could do this at BOM level
Category: Manufacturing
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft