Such functionality would need to:
validate in government/EU tool if the supplier is an active tax payer (for one selected or group)
Check or validate before/after posting if the Vendor/Customer is a active tax payer (receive goods, deliver goods, post invoice)
Store the history of checking (in case of tax control) – by adding the screen shoot from tax/ EU portal for a specific date.
Create a report which could validate if existing documents (invoices) for specific vendor are OK (status of suppliers is Active)
This would be a good enhancement in the system, even there are available add-ins on market prepared by third parties.
General validation of all entries from TaxVATNumTable (tax exempt numbers) is required. All VAT numbers means from vendors and customers!
There are several webservices and validations available:
1. EU web service VIES:
2. National web services, like German XML RPC interface:
In general these web services provides 2 different validations:
1. A simple validation - Does this tax exempt number exist and is it a valid number?
2. Qualified validation - Validation of tax exempt number incl. the company name and address data!
Best would be to implement general interface to VIES web service!
Category: Tax
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Ekaterina Podkolzina
PM, Microsoft