By default the resouce bookings created through the schedule board always have the Work Order number as value for it's Name field. Customers and I would prefer to have the option to configure the starting number similar to the work order to have an own counter / number running for the resource booking. This also makes sense as one work order can have multiple booking and users want to be able to refer to a booking by it's own reference number. This also makes things easier with internal communications as you can always refer to a booking by it's own number.
In my view, the Requirement needs to link to the WO and the Booking need to link to the Requirement. It needs to be easy to see whether a requirement is the first or a subesequent requirement. Similarly it needs to be easy to see whether a booking is the first or a later booking for a requirement.
With a previous system we had the naming such that the requirement name = Wo number + suffix A,B,C etc or - 01, -02,-03 etc. ie for WO 543 teh 1st requirement is 543A or 543-01, the second 543B or 543-02 etc. The first booking for requirement 543A (or 543-01) then becomes 543A1 (or 543-01-1) , thesecond becomes 543A2 (or 543-01-2) etc.
This worked really well.
Category: Universal Resource Scheduling
I agree with Jaco and also would like to extend the request with multiple resource requirements that could be assigned to one work order. Perhaps you could do it straight forward with a follow up number like -01 and -02 added to the WO number?
Category: Universal Resource Scheduling
Same counts for multiple Resource Requirements in one Work Order
Category: Universal Resource Scheduling
Administrator on 3/27/2019 8:56:27 AM
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Vinay Nalam
PM, Microsoft