I am trying to create an order from a vendor to enable payment.

I have brought in the invoice using the OCR mail service, all looking good.

I am trying now to create a PO but an error comes up saying the VAT number is not valid.  The formats allowed are GBXXXXXXXXX, etc.  The Belgium VAT numbers seem to have one too many numbers.

Or am I missing something?!

Without being able to add the VAT number the vendor cannot be validated for payment.

Category: Purchasing
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in VAT Registration No. formats.

Please search for Countries/Regions, find code for Belgium (BE) on Navigate tab click VAT Registration No. formats and enter BE####.###.### as one of possible VAT Registration No. formats. This sets this as valid format for BE and will not throw an error any more. 

Ivan Koletic
PM, Microsoft



I have confirmed with one of our vendors in Belgium and the format for their VAT is: BExxxx.xxx.xxx




Category: Purchasing