Business Central allows for the creation of multiple Sales Prices for a given Item/Customer combination, including for "Customer," "Customer Price Group," and "All Customers." This implies that BC supports true TABLE to GROUP to ALL pricing like other systems (most notably Dynamics AX, which we have been using for the last 10 years, and Dynamics GP, which we used for the 10 years before that): when entering a sales order, the system first looks for a TABLE (customer-specific) price, and if there is none, it looks for a GROUP (customer group-specific) price, and if there is none, it uses the ALL (base) price. Oddly, BC does not use this logic. Instead, as described in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/sales-how-record-sales-price-discount-payment-agreements#best-price-calculation and supported by our own testing, BC just looks at all the possible prices for an Item/Customer combination and uses the lowest price available. There is no prioritization of the TABLE to GROUP to ALL hierarchy. This would be fine if our TABLE price was always lower than our GROUP price and our GROUP price was always lower than our ALL price, however that is not the case: we are wholesale distributors, so we use ALL to hold our base “wholesale” price, but we also charge full retail to walk-in customers via GROUP “retail” (“retail” prices are of course higher than “wholesale” prices); we also factor freight into the prices for a few specific customers, so their TABLE prices are higher than the ALL prices. We propose that an option be added to BC base code to allow for true TABLE to GROUP to ALL pricing: for a given Item/Customer combination, if a "Customer" price exists, use that price...else if a "Customer Price Group" price exists, use that price...else use the "All Customers" price. Our partner is developing an extension for us to accommodate this functionality deficit, but we are of course concerned that future updates will wreak havoc with the extension. Although the current BC pricing structure surely works for many customers, we’re also sure there are other customers out there who would benefit from this proposal. Thank you for your consideration!

Category: Sales
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team