Thera are no system solution for missing on Packing Station. Pickers were registered whole quantity from works(picking lists), but something happened, and differences were discovered on Packing Station.

  • Missing quantity – some pcs were missing we need generate replenishment work to Packing Station.

  • Damaged quantity - we need generate replenishment work to Packing Station, and report damaged putted down to special location (after this someone take whole of damaged Items and move them to proper locations).

  • Surplus – report, put down to special location and analogy like to damaged, will generate a work to move them to proper locations). Mostly workers do this out o system, but some clients need to report it.

Needed special work class, directives … or use internal movements to do work, but dedicated mechanism to generate work on “trigger” (configuration in  Warehouse management>Setup Work>Work exceptions: Exception Type – Packing Station (NEW)).

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.



Mirza Abdic'

Senior PM, Microsoft