Companies often setup general pricing in "ea", but may also sell to some customers in "cartons", "pallets", or other units of measure. If sales orders are entered in both "ea" and "cartons" then prices (trade agremements) needs to be duplicated to hold the unit price in both "ea" and "cartons". I suggest that a function to automate conversion of trade agreements. The system will auto-generate "child" trade agreements for different units of measure, for any qualifying trade agreement. Any updates to the trade agreement will automatically filter through the child agreements.
We did a customization for this in AX 2012 and see it as an issue for us moving toward D365 F&O out of the box functionality.
Category: Sales and marketing
Administrator on 4/19/2019 12:01:53 AM
Appreciate you taking the time to submit the product suggestion. We will monitor the votes and other feedback to consider in future backlog.
Lachlan Cash – Principal Program Manager - Microsoft