Many retailers are expecting the ability to create a new transfer order (or counting journal), and just continuously scan items into the order. The existing workflow contains multiple steps which are unnecessary, time consuming and add's room for error by operators. Existing workflow; Create transfer order (using dialog) details screen opens, with 'Add product' dialog open Scan or enter item number Specify quantity (dialog is now closed) Click 'Add' button to add another item repeat steps above. The idea workflow would be: Create transfer order (using dialog) details screen opens, with 'Add product' dialog open Scan or enter item number (Default qty of 1 assumed as it was scanned) 'Add product' dialog remains open ready for next scan Once all items added, user clicks 'close' button on dialog, to indicate no more items to add. As some customer may want the prompt to specify quantity, the defaulting to 1 should be a parameter (i.e. new checkbox on functionality profile 'Prompt for quantity on stock management functions') N.B. - This has already been suggested to the team directly. Adding here to get votes and bump up priority list!
Agree, this is one of the pain point from our implementation especially when store has to deal with end of season transfer/beginning of season receiving process.
This is also a pain point for Ship from Store and Pick up from Store process as the ship from store order are often picking multiple orders at once before packing and ship those orders later on.
Category: Inventory management
This is also a requirement at one of our customers!
Category: Inventory management
Administrator on 11/17/2020 10:05:43 PM
Please review our new Inbound / Outbound operations in the POS that become available in preview in 10.0.9 and generally available in version 10.0.10: Inbound inventory operation in POS, Outbound inventory operation in POS. These new operations will allow for barcode scanning of products to mark items as received or shipped. A similar improvement to stock counting is on the roadmap with a tentative plan to release in 2021. - Holly Haines, Principal Program Manager, Dynamics 365 Commerce