Sell-to Customer No. and Bill-to Customer No.

New users are confused that the naming convention of Sell-to Customer and Bill-to Customer, as well as Buy-from Vendor and Pay-to Vendor, is not followed throughout the system.

For example, opening a customer card and viewing the posted sales invoices:
Customer No. = Sell-to Customer No.
Bill-to Customer No. = Bill-to Customer No.

When opening Customer Ledger Entries
Customer No. = Bill-to Customer No.

When launching any reports, that in all cases Customer No. = Bill-to Customer No.

However, multinational companies also require to see "sales of services" by Sell-to Customers, where Sell-to Customer is a subsidiary and Bill-to Customer is the parent company.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We need some more details to understand your suggestion better. Can you please help us by answering the following questions?
Can you specify concrete reports together with business scenarios where Sell-To customer/Buy-From vendor should be used instead of Bill-To Customer/Pay-To Vendor?
Sales of services in not a out-of-the box report. Are you asking for such report? 

Business Central Team



From the side of sales "Sales of services" could be solution for this problem. Customer Balance-to-Date and/or Customer Statement with a working filter on Sell-To-Customer or an option to group by bill-to customer, then by sell-to customer could solve the situation.

Scenario #1 - A company, that is classified as SME, provides services members of international group of companies. The payer is always the group head office, whereas the receiver of the service is a particular company, that needs to be indicated on the invoice. At the end of the period the head office of the customer would like to receive Customer Balance to Date and/or Statement with its total balance and a split of transactions by sell-to customer.

Scenario #2 - a plumbing company provides services to several houses, managed by house -master company. At the end of the month the house master would like to see a separate invoice per point of service, at the end of the quarter a summary per all points of service.

From the side of Buy-from/Pay-to Vendor- advance holders in localizations are created as vendor cards, therefore Vendor Balance-to-Date with a breakdown by Buy-from could provide analytics per each advance holder.

The approach should be not to create separate reports, but to make the existing reports more flexible. Because the our customers ask a logical question - if a system provides an option to specify sell-to/bill-to and buy-from/pay-to for transactions (that is a normal course of business), why it does not provide a possibility to see this information in a report with means of filters or options, but only by filtering posted document lists?

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


Related requirement - https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=2dad7a14-cf8e-e911-80e7-0003ff68897c

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence