Accountants have now the possibility to have their favorite customers / vendors on their rolecenter with 'my customers' / 'my vendors'. We often receive the question to have in the same rolecenter *9004 the possibility to have also my G/L Accounts.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



On this I see also that the page 'My notifications' is not visible in version 16.3 Also this page may be re-added again.

Category: Financial Management


A RoleCenter page can be extendend. Like below. Would that solve the problem?

pageextension 50101 MyExtension extends "Accounting Manager Role Center"
part(MyGLAccounts; "My Accounts")
AccessByPermission = tabledata "G/L Account" = r;
ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;

Category: Financial Management


I think the Sub page should also added to the role Centers 9001 to 9004. The page "My G/L Accounts"-Page is great, unfortunately it was not rolled out through all Role Centers which are financial relevant.

Category: Financial Management