Customers have asked for years for the ability to over receive purchase orders based on an allowable tolerance. This used to be a fairly straight forward modification in on-premise C/AL but it very difficult with extensions and there really should be stock functionality for this.

An over receive tolerance could be entered globally, by vendor and by items (i.e. 10%)
When receiving the user could enter a quantity to receive greater than the PO line quantity and there are multiple options that have been used to handle the overage
1) Add an additional line to the PO for the over quantity
2) increase the current line quantity and either store the original quantity and/or set a flag for over received.
3) Leave the current line quantity and allow the qty to receive and qty to invoice to be greater than the line quantity.

I have seen all of the above used for various customers with modifications done by ISV's or other partners or by our staff.

This is a very commonly requested function and customers are genuinely surprised this is not a stock function as they have this in other ERP systems thy have used.
Category: Purchasing
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in Receive more items than ordered in Business Central Wave 1 2020 Release

Please refer to the following link for more information: 

Business Central Team




please consider adding this feature also for Warehouse Receipts and Invt. Put-Away Documents.

best regards

Category: Purchasing


Every manufacturing client I have has asked for this. The flip side is under receiving. Sometimes the PO is just a 'target' amount. The actual amount received can not only be over, but can also be under to a tolerance or not. So if a supplier under ships by x% they consider it closed and will not ship anymore. At present you have to reduce the PO line to be able to close things off and thereby lose ability to run vendor performance reporting for the 'under ship' side of the equation.

Category: Purchasing


We have implemented in CAL for ISV the same for Sales and Purchase via 3) Qty. to receive and Qty. to ship.
There are many missing Event triggers if implementing the same as app because of Errorchecks, calculating Discounts based on factors QtyToShip/Qty, PrePayments and so on.

Please add this for sales as well, as this is essential in the food production and food sales.

Is it possible to enter a negative tolerance?

Category: Purchasing


I agree, this is a FUNDAMENTAL business process. In some industries like in printing they can send more or less than what you ordered as they don't count discreet pieces. What ever is the yield off the roll of paper is what you get. Some industries invoice you for the overage, some don't. But from the inventory record keeping aspect you want to be able to book in what you actually got. I have had the same experience where there are supply agreements where you specify how much over/under is allowed. If under and within 5% for example then you can close the PO short. If greater than 5% then approval required. Basic stuff. In an advanced warehousing situation where the the operations are done by different people and maybe even on different shifts, it is a real problem as the warehouse people cannot update PO's to be able to receive more.

Category: Purchasing


Indeed very common situation and as noted before, it is important that this also works with warehouse receipts, not just on the purchase order itself.

Category: Purchasing


I agree with Kevin. This is normal practice in business to receive less or more than the ordered quantity but I don't think we need another field/column in purchase lines, allowing the user to modify the quantity column will do this. This is a simple change, adding tolerance limit in purchase setup and allowing the user to modify the quantity column and validating the tolerance limit. We have added this change to our system.

Category: Purchasing


Very relevant. Many companies who have productions made, have an agreement on over/under delivery, based on percentage or specific qty. Being able to register and post within these ranges when receiving deliveries (without having to re-open, edit and release) would be a very useful standard feature.
And remember - must also work on warehouse documents!

Category: Purchasing


Note, not not ... there really should be an edit function in here...

Category: Purchasing


Not this will also need to work with warehousing enabled / warehouse receipts

Category: Purchasing