There are some great new features on the road map for Electronic Reporting in terms of customer invoicing. These additional reports all use excel layouts. Distribution invoices as Excel files doesn't meeting our customers expectations. Users want to be able to use the ER email distribution functionality but only send files of type PDF to external parties such as customers. I have recently tested the new 'generate documents in PDF format by filling in PDF template' and the functionality seems very cumbersome without a default PDF template and configuration provided. Other work-a-rounds are also possible of course but ideally, a new exporting method will be introduced; one which allows users to print filled in Word and Excel templates in a PDF output file / format.
Hi Mikhail - Thanks for the great new add-on to D365FO on external documents. I'm concerned about the fact, that we are sending invoices in an electronic format which can be changed by the receiver. The fiscal requirement states quite clearly, that invoice which is amended is not accepted as an invoice. I think most auditors would not accept an eletronic invoice in any other format than PDF
Category: Globalization - Regulatory features
Mikhail Filatov (administrator) on 7/5/2019 8:11:06 AM
Thank you for your feedback.
This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.
Mikhail Filatov,
Principal Engineering Lead,