Payment is created with invoice that deduct withholding tax. Invoice has been wrongly settled and has to be unsettled. When invoice is unsettled, withholding tax voucher is not unsettled. a. there is no mean for user to know that invoice has withholding tax related. b. If wihholding tax voucher is not reversed, withholding tax will be deducted twice. Process to reverse settlement should be designed when withholding tax is applied to avoid any manual adjusment. Information withholding tax deducted should be seen on invoice for user to know when withholding tax is due or has been deducted.

Category: Tax
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


PM, Eric Wang




This should also cater for the localizations that use Item Withhold Tax.

Category: Tax