Not showing the "More options" or "Less options" buttons when they would reveal just one or possibly two options would make Business Central easier to navigate.
The options/ menus of the Bank Reconciliation tool need to be reworked.
-Match Manually button needs to be a stand alone button so you don't have to click twice Matching > Match Manually ... if you manually match 100 items, this 4 clicks per match (select Statement Line, select Bank Ledger entry, select Match menu, click Match Manually).
-Show All/Show Nonmatched buttons need to be stand alone buttons outside of a menu. Currently you have three clicks... More Options > Actions > Matching > Show All
Category: General
The key top level menus line (for sub-menus), Navigate, Actions and report should always be visible. This would reduce the number of clicks to access any option. It takes far to many clicks for some options.
For example on the item card to access an Item Availability view I have to click:
1) More Options
2) Navigate
3) Item availability by
4) The availability view I want.
That's four selections for something that was two on the old Windows client.
Can we also review the menu options on the key card views There are some strange groupings, For example why is statistics under Item availability on the item card and missing completely from the item list.? Ideally the same option on the equivalent list and card views should be in the same place.
Category: General
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap.
Your help is greatly appreciated,
Mike Borg Cardona
Program Manager, Microsoft