t would be really nice to have the possibility to define a conditional Flowfield similar to already existing conditional table Relations. I think that SQL Server can handle this easily. Think of table 27 Item and tables 111 Sales Shipment Line and 113 Sales Invoice Line. We have many programming to fill fields from item table and fill those fields during Posting in CU22 and CU80/90 and others to finish the value from item table in tables 111 and 113 and others.

Category: Development
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering the suggestion at this time due to the following reason: it will be next to impossible to make this work in a stable way inside the server. Add to that that it will be impossible to define a SIFT index on such a flowfield


Kennie Nybo Pontoppidan

PM, Microsoft



An example use case of this would be looking up up data conditionally. Pseudo code: "if [Field A] = X then [Dependent Table.Field 1] else [Dependent Table. Field 2]"

Category: Development


I think I have understood this issue and it could be a great idea.

For example in table "G/L Entry". We have the fields "Source Type" and "Source No.". The "tableRelation" property of "Souce No." is:

IF (Source Type=CONST(Customer)) Customer ELSE IF (Source Type=CONST(Vendor)) Vendor ELSE IF (Source Type=CONST(Bank Account)) "Bank Account" ELSE IF (Source Type=CONST(Fixed Asset)) "Fixed Asset" ELSE IF (Source Type=CONST(Employee)) Employee

Ok, now I want a flowfield to know not only the code but the name. So now we need to create a flowfield "Customer name", another flowfield "Vendor name", and so on...

He is asking to create Flowfield with some conditions in the same way of TableRelation property do...

Category: Development


I also do not understand the ask here. @Gunther, could you please elaborate on this - or perhaps some of the 15 people voting for this :)

Category: Development


It's probably me, but I am missing the point. The description leaves too much unsaid. What does "We have many programming to fill fields" to do with conditional FlowFields. Before I would "like" it definitely needs more details.

Category: Development


I don''t know if this is a good idea.
Especially for the posted documents it is required that values are stored in a reproducable way.
So the description- fields and price information should be stored as real values in the document lines, not as FlowField, because they need be printed and calculated also after 10 years in the same way.

Category: Development