I've found out that the fields
105; Shipping Agent Code ;Code10;TableRelation="Shipping Agent"
5794; Shipping Agent Service Code;Code10 ;TableRelation="Shipping Agent Services".Code
Are not present into the table 6650 "Return Shipment Header". BC should bring these fields over from the Sales Order.
105; Shipping Agent Code ;Code10;TableRelation="Shipping Agent"
5794; Shipping Agent Service Code;Code10 ;TableRelation="Shipping Agent Services".Code
Are not present into the table 6650 "Return Shipment Header". BC should bring these fields over from the Sales Order.
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for reaching out. Your suggestion seems to be a duplicate of the following suggestions:
https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=16918934-ea65-e911-b047-0003ff68c184 . If you want shipping agent code to be part of purchase flow. Please add your valuable votes and comments (about specific document) to the suggestions above instead.
https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=aee00acb-14e4-e911-b3b9-0003ff68f5d3. If you meant Return Receipt (sales flow). Notice that this idea is planned and will be delivered as part of release 2020 wave 2. Please refer to the following link for more information: https://docs.microsoft.com/dynamics365-release-plan/2020wave2/smb/dynamics365-business-central/track-packages-more-types-sales-documents
Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft