The demand for self-checkout is increasing massively worldwide. Self-checkout provide a better customer experience and can provide a better efficiency in terms of shorter lines and a faster checkout, especially for supermarkets and grocery stores, but also for fashion retailers and others. With self-checkout store staff can manage more than one cash register at the time and by doing this provide a way for staff to spend more time helping customers out on the store floor. Dynamics 365 is supporting parts of the functionality and setup required to handle this but the POS has limitation in setup and customizability to support self-checkout scenarios. We wish for Microsoft to include a POS version designed for use in self-checkout scenarios with ability, including, but not limited to, scanning bar codes, manual input of items, weighing item, using coupons, and paying with various payment methods. For Microsoft to include a POS that is designed for self-checkout would provide an even bigger advantage for Dynamics 365 as opposed to what competitors are offering.
Hi Everybody. The Retail Experience App would help for Android and IOS Devices, but looking at MPOS, a limited screen design and a restricted permission group, would allow to set it up as a self service kiosk. I upvote this regarding the design as the OOB design is limited to what you find on self service kiosks.
Category: General
Hi Niklas,
You are absolutly right.
The Microsoft Retail team has already laid down some ot the building block for making this possible in the Retail Shopping App (Retail Experience App) se more about the idea by looking at the "Shopping App -Business cases and functionality" idea that I posted here.
The main thing that is missing now in the underlying logic in the "Shopping app" is the activation, hardware support and settings, pluss some simple forms, to make it possible to let the app behave like a self-scanning app in a store. But there are several different senarios a Retail App like this can be used in a store. So If you can help to push this further, then that would be great. At the moment MS Retail is years behind some other Retail software vendors in regards to this.
Category: General
Absolute needed !
Category: General
Administrator on 4/16/2019 6:45:59 PM
Thank you for the product suggestion! We will continue to monitor this idea and the votes to determine if it will be given a position in our backlog. -Holly Haines, Principal Program Manager