Currently Business Central for french area don't include a function for uploading and managing CAMT054 files.

When SEPA direct débit files includes a lot of lines to reject when the bank notification is received as CAMT054 file, it is very hard for final users of Business Central to reject manually the direct debit lines from direct debit collection.

Final users spend a lot of time in Business Central for reconcile and reject manually SEPA direct debit lines.

The suggested idea consists to :
-> Upload in Business Central a CAMT054 file.
-> To provide a Screen for matching CAMT054 lines with Direct debits lines and to suggest to reject automatically the lines with the right reject reason code.
-> To inform final users with official SEPA reject reason code (AC04, AM04...) and the type of reject reason code: "Hard rejection" (Direct debit line must be closed definitively without posting and no more new presentation of the line is possible), or Soft rejection (Direct debits lines are rejected without posting but le line will be suggested in the new Direct Debit collection).

Best regards
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team