a large number of customers are expecting the POS device to at least show the original tenders when completing a return from receipt at POS. It is a difficult issue to resolve, as you can have multiple lines and multiple payments on an order. However, some thought should be given into at least being able to see the original tenders from the sale. It is difficult as you do not know when the transaction has been completed (i.e. the customer could be completing an exchange) so you do not know when to raise the prompt. Maybe at the point the user selects a payment method, if the total of the transaction is a negative value (payment back to the customer), and the return is from a receipt, the POS should prompt that the original payment was made in 'XYZ' of a way - I.e. paid on card number ending 4465. The exact process flow requires some serious thinking about, and needs a manager override at the least. But a lot of customers expect this functionality.

Category: Payments
2019 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

Andrew, this is all part of our payments redesign.  If you are not a member of our Yammer group, please join and attend the monthly webinars - this topic has been discussed frequently and is in development.





Agree, this is a painful part on POS.
We needed to write a lot of customizations to support such scenarios for Electronics retailer.

Category: Payments