As of now, the items on the receipt are printed in the same order that they are scanned.
When the POS writes out a long receipt, with many items, it can time consuming for the customer or an employee to scan through the whole receipt to find and item on the receipt.
It would be preferred behavior, in some cases, that the items are ordered alphabetically.
Can we get a sort order option in the Receipt Formats setup?
When the POS writes out a long receipt, with many items, it can time consuming for the customer or an employee to scan through the whole receipt to find and item on the receipt.
It would be preferred behavior, in some cases, that the items are ordered alphabetically.
Can we get a sort order option in the Receipt Formats setup?
Under Review
^^^^ This
Our online ordering system (SANA) has sorted the list by item. Now the stores need the receipts to show the same item sort order so they can verify the items at customer pickup. This can be very time consuming when the customer is wanting to just leave with their items, but now they have to sort through their picked items as shown on the receipt that is completely out of order.
Category: General
Thank you for the product suggestion! We will continue to monitor this idea and the votes to determine if it will be given a position in our backlog. -Holly Haines, Principal Program Manager