When you use personnel actions for positions, it is not possible to edit information on worker assignment in the position action. That is a manual task to do on the worker separately. If you compare the position form and the position action form, the only thing left out on the position action form is the worker assignment information. Seems like an obvious error, but Microsoft will not accept it as such and suggested to create an idea instead. A scenario could be a time-limited employment that gets prolonged. Then you will need to change both the retirement date in the position duration and the worker assignment end date. But only the first can be done in the position action. How should the customer assure that the latter also gets updated?
I would like to note that this is also not possible form the MSS module, manager can request a change in the position but he's not able to request a change for the worker position assignment, for example, start and end dates.
Category: Organization management
what is the expected behaviour? Is it that a manager requests a change to the position on the position action for first and then if this is approved then requests a change to the employee assignment second? On what form would the manager make the second request ?
Category: Organization management