I had a vendor with two transactions: 1-was entered in the Enter/Match Invoices window and 2-was entered in Receiving's as a Shipment/Invoice. They were both posted and paid in 2019. I then decided that this vendor is a 1099 vendor, so I ran the Utility to update all transactions to box 7 MISC. Only the Invoice updated the 1099 amounts, the Shipment/Invoice transaction was not updated with the Update 1099 Information Both the PO Receipt and the Payables document should be updated with 1099 amounts. NOTE – if you process a separate shipment then a separate invoice in POP, this is what happens Thanks
Needs Votes
Jodi Christiansen (administrator) on 10/21/2019 4:32:42 PM
Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider this for a future release.
Jodi Christiansen
PM, Microsoft