On the position there are a number of dates that need better validation across them. I.e. - you shouldn't be able to have position details records running longer than the position duration period - you shouldn't be able to have position hierarchy records running longer than the position duration period - there must be position detail records in the entire lifetime of the position, i.e. within position duration record(s) - ...

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especially when creating new positions and the activation date is set to a future date, then position details date is set to todays date etc.

This does not make any sense, when creating a new position all dates should be the same, in addition it does not make any sense when creating a new position, then when amending data through the creation process, new versions are made. ex. you create a new position, then a minute later (user have not left the position form), the user adds the title, job family etc. then new versions of the position details are added, and the creation of the position is not done yet-

This also causes redundant traffic in the integration between Human resources and Finance

Category: Organization management