We've seen recent developments on the inventory lookup bringing ATP (Available To Promise) logic to the inventory lookup. The store clerk can not only view open purchase orders and reserved sales orders, but can also view ATP information showing the expected available inventory level on future dates.

For order scenario's where you would create a customer order for pick-up or ship-to, you would need to select a requested pickup or shipping date. However, this date picker allows the store clerk to select any given date, no matter if it is historical and not taking into account any ATP logic.

The data picker in the customer order for pick-up or ship-to scenarios can be hugely improved by:

- Giving the store clerk the option to select the 'next available date' based on ATP information and/or integrating ATP information in the date picker step.

- Warning the store clerk if a date that is selected that is not feasible based on ATP information (configurable by parameter?).

- Not allowing historical date selection.

Category: General
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. Sincerely, Shalabh Jain, PM, Microsoft