Unit of measure conversions are set up per Variant in a product. When adding a purchase line or sales line, an error is shown saying "Product variant unit conversions are not supported for this process". This should be possible.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature in preview as part of the 8.1.3 monthly update.

Please refer to the following link for more information:




Johan Hoffmann

PM, Microsoft



This is needed. Our specific use case - is we have a unit of measure that is associated with a product dimension. We need the flexibility of having an order unit of measure and a pricing unit of measure on a Sales or PO line. The order unit drives the quantity to ship or receive.

Category: Product information management


I agree completely this is badly needed. There needs to be functionality to set unit conversions by variant without using WMS

Category: Product information management


This has to be accomplished by Microsoft avoiding overlayering by the Partner

Category: Product information management


From a technical point of view, it would be enough introducing two delegate defintions, one for checking that the configuration key is enabled for this kind of unit of measure conversions; and one for finding the product by its actual inventdim.

Category: Product information management


This is badly needed. Most distribution companies use case packs and need full support for variant conversion not just in warehousing.  

Category: Product information management