The financial reporting does currently no allow access to subledger information. The following cases require access to sub-ledger for management reporting / financial statement purposes:

1. In the balance sheet, receivables are stated on the debit side, payables are stated on the credit side. Hence, for accounts receivable/payable the accountant regularly needs to run a report for customer balances payable and vendor payables receivable, and repost them to the GL.

2. Due Dates: According to IFRS, balance sheet items depend on due dates (long-term, short-term). This Information is stored on sub-ledger level. If there was access to that Information from financial reporting, These investigations and rearrangements were obsolete and reporting requirements could be directly covered by report definitions.

3. This allows to create fixed asset balances with detailed Information.

4. This allows to create any other management report using subledger data.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.

We are actively doing work in the area of financial insights to enable subledger data from our PowerBI solution and the data model that enables that reporting as a first step to provide additional subledger data within the trial balance. We’d recommend you look at that if you haven’t already.


Ryan Sandness

PM, Microsoft 



In addition, it would be great if we can write some Projects reports using Financial Reports. While PowerBI is a possible solution some organizations cannot afford the costs for labour and licence. Thanks

Category: Financial reporting