The Business Activity Statement (BAS) Report system does have a 7A field for deferred GST which becomes enabled when you import a BAS form previously exported from the Electronic Commerce Interface (ECI) software. This field is usually pre-populated by the ATO and so is only activated once a BAS form has been imported.
Basically the 7A figure is supplied by the ATO and does not come from anywhere in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Because of this it only gets populated when you import the form from the ECI software (which also populates the info behind that expansion button).
Dynamics GP populates the data and then you export back to the ECI software.
The issue is that ECI software was replaced by the ATO Business Portal website and you don't import and export the XML files anymore
Thus it would be nice if we make this field editable to the customer on the window. They would as a minimum like to manually edit field 7A on the BAS form.