At this moment only a empty page is shown to write down some text, but it is not able to set a signature.
When does it be able ?
Thank you.
I think I did not explain very well. In Business Central, I have customers and vendor. Each one have many contacts with emails. When I send a quotation, or invoice or purchase order, I need to send it to several contacts, but BC only show the mail on the customer or vendor card. BC does not give me the opportunity to send to others customer's contacts.
How can I do it?
Category: General
I mean integration outlook 365 and Business central. Can I use the outlook 365 signature in Business Central?. How can I do it?
Thank you.
Category: General
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering the suggestion at this time as this functionality is core functionality of email servers. If you are hosting your email on Office365 check out this help topic that describes how to set up automatic signatures, headers or footers in Exchange.
Ivan Koletic
PM, Microsoft