When creating a credit note for a sales line with split invoice the wrong quantity is selected when the credit note dialog is opened. The quantity is the complete quantity of the invoice position not the expected remain quantity. This is specifically a problem if the first split invoice uses more than half of the original sales quantity with leads to the error message provided if the user just marks the original invoice position for creation of the credit note and closes the dialog with the OK button without further change of any values. Repro steps: 1. Make sure you have enough quantity On hand for Item T0001. Manage Inventory-On Hand Inventory 2. Create a new Sales order with one line for item T0001, Qty= 5 Go in Accounts receivable>All sales orders > Sales order Check Inventory transaction: 3. Reserve qty on sales order line 4. Invoice partial qty QTY= 3 out of 5 Go on Sales Order line and update the Qty from 5 to 3 If go on Line details deliver remainder is 2. Press OK Go in Invoice- Journals Notice Invoice number CIV-000718 5. Post second partial invoice Qty=2. Notice second Invoice number CIV-000719 Check Inventory transactions: 6. Create a credit note for the first invoice CIV-000718. Ensure that the “Delete order lines” options is deactivated Go back on sales order> Sell> Credit Note Select First invoice CIV-000718 Ensure that the “Delete order lines” options is deactivated. Press OK The credit line is added to sales order. 7. Select Line- Inventory – Transactions. Personalize the form to add columns: Return Lod ID and Invoice. Issue 1: This is wrong, as Qty is picked from 2 different invoices instead of picking only from first invoice CIV-000718. 8. When try to create credit note again from same Invoice, the proposed qty=3 which is wrong. Should be zero. Go back to Sales order: Sell> Credit Note Select same first Invoice CIV-000718 Also error message appears: The quantity being returned is greater then what can be covered by the return lot.

Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to feedback. This forum is for new features enhancements request. You maybe pointing out a bug that you should log through the support channels.
Lachlan Cash – Principal Program Manager - Microsoft