This conceptual idea refers rather to system architecture:
In projects I face regular issues that the posting behaviour of the system is not sufficient.
The ledger integration framework comes from older Axapta versions is seems a bit outdated.
The idea is to replace the business logic-based (hard-coded) ledger integration by a "posting cockpit" where all the GL accounts are defined on a global level in one single place.
Basic concept:
1. The currently existing transactions types, posting types, posting profiles, journal types, system functions and any other accounting-related or even not yet accounting-related functional transactions are collected in a central transaction library.
2. The transaction library can be extended by user-defined transactions.
3. In the business logic, where a hard-coded posting integration is included, this source code segments are replaced by a system-wide standardised tie point that contains a set of transaction information used to post that information to the GL.
4. Basic transaction information includes:
a. Transaction of origin (acc. to 1.)
b. Affected quantity values: i.e. fixed assets, items, charges, bank, customer, vendor, tax information, etc.
5. In the "posting cockpit" it is defined:
a. Design of the transaction flow covering posting-relevant and also non posting-relevant information.
b. Link the transaction flow to business logic.
c. Clearly defined posting entries by
- quantities (balance sheet-related or off-balance)
- transactions (P&L and cash flow-related) - covers also shared categories
- Huge improvement of product quality: Business transaction flow instead of single postings
- The Approach is much more flexible to define than the current static approach
- Reduced source code
- More flexible for localisation/customisation (as it is possible to do in the User Interface)
- Increased data consistency (based on process flow instead if isolated transactions)
- Additional posting entries easily enabled as required
- Easily possible to include non-GL postings (planned, purchased, expected values)
- Easier setup: all in one place
- Reduced number of parameter settings in various modules
- better transparancy of the configuration
- Tax setup and any reporting setup can be user-defined, no need to apply localisations/customisations: ready for all legislations
If you are interested in this approach, I may give additional informations. This would be a unique selling point for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations compared to competitive Software.
This is what the source document architecture + accounting explorer do, don't they?
Category: General Ledger