The deletion of G/L Accounts should be re-factored.

There is a date field in G/L setup which needs to be used: field caption is "Check G/L Acc. Deletion After". This field needs to contain a date in the past.
If general requirements are met ... G/ L Balance is zero, Fiscal Year is closed, no Budget entries exist ... and only entries exist which are older than the date specified, than this G/L account can be deleted without any further action.
Good so far.
If entries exist which are "after" the date, but still the general requirements are met, than a confirm dialog appears ... "entries exist which have been created after the date - do you still want to delete".

If the user confirms then the G/L account will be deleted.
Maybe this is a little too easy. But on the other hand the user had the chance to deny and user permissions can also add to the security here.

But if the user does not confirm a message will be shown:
You cannot delete G/L account %1 because it has ledger entries posted after %2.
This message is true, but this is not really the answer to the confirm dialog.

Shouldn't the response be ... "The action has been canceld by the user" or no message appears at all?
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team