CRM has taken major steps forward with server synchronization and being able to synchronize already tracked activities, but there is still a major gap--emails not sent from Oultook cannot be easily tracked. This is a major gap and should be addressed to complete the server sync story. Synchronization is only good if emails can get in to CRM. If a user is only using CRM for tablets, there is no way for the user to track an email.

My suggestion would be:

1. have a user definable hashtag per record. When the user adds the hashtag to an email subject. track the email regarding the record connected to the hashtag.
2. Have a track folder in exchange where any emails dragged to that folder get tracked.
3. Allow users to BCC an email to a forward inbox and then track the message. Note--we can come close to this now; however, the router/forward mailbox does not monitor BCC lines, so it only works if the email address is in to: or cc: line.

Of all these options, only 1 addresses the "set regarding" functionality in gives users outside of outlook equivalent tracking for initial emails. As a short term solution, give crm for tablets/crm for phones users the ability to send tracked emails through the apps.

Ideas Administrator

we delivered this with folder based tracking. Do you need any further improvements on this? Please let us know your feedback. Thanks for your feedback.



Thank you for reporting this feedback! We are actively looking at options to expand the way users can track and set regaurding. Our first step was to ensure that you could access your tracked data across devices but now our focus is on the actual tracking and regaurding actions. This is on our immediate roadmap and we will be actively working on several new methods for tracking. Thank you for your suggestions as well, we will consider and test each to ensure that we can deliver a workflow that will work for all of our users. Thank you!

Category: Microsoft Office Integration