In Project Accounting - Expense Entry prior to 2016 you were able to edit Distributions at the Summary Level.

With the newer versions now you need to change it a line level. The problem is that you cannot break up the distributions using the same account.

We currently break the expense up using the same account but use the Reference line to put a project ID so we can break cost down directly in Financials.

Please add an option with the Line Distribution Feature that would allow companies to make changes at the summary level if necessary.

This was available till 2015 R2 and then it was removed without realizing that companies use this option for better financial reporting.

We also found a similar issue with Receiving Transactions but were able to find a workaround by adding other distributions then removing the Cost of Goods line and then changing the Others to Cost of Goods.

The option of changing Summary Distribution should be in all other screens where this line distribution feature was added.

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