Add parameter to Mfg execution prod order defaults
1.The "backflush BOM materials at start": parameter = yes and I am using advanced warehousing. I am also having multiple picking rounds for one prod order because not all materials are always there at the start. I want to pick and then backflush what I have and pick and backflush the rest late...
warning when the user receives a subcontract PO
A production order has to be started in order to post any journals. But when I have parameters for auto post Picklist and auto post Route card after receiving a subcontract PO, there is no warning. The PO is received but no postings for the prod order of any kind are possible. we need a warnin...
Delete the production wave
When working with production orders and advanced warehousing, one creates warehouse work when one releases the production order. But in case of shortage , no materials are available at all, no work is created at all. But the wave is. If I solve my shortage and want to release again, I get an e...
Project resource scheduling
When you are in project WBS, and you put in a requested role, you can open the resource field go to the calendar and book a project resource. This is a convenient way of staffing a project, we thought. But in the background, the system adds this reservation to the default role, showing in the ...
Workspace production floor management
This workspace has all prod jobs lined up in the middle. It is however bad news to find out that none of these jobs show any dates. One has to personalize but that is not enough. the production order delivery date is an absolute must in this screen. Without that the user has no idea what the d...
Add unit sequence group to create released product
Creation of new items, if done without a template, will always get you the error that you have no value in the unit sequence group. Why is this field not on the create Item screen when it is mandatory when using advanced warehousing? As soon as the user has chosen a storage dim group the system w...
CLose the loophole for Prod orders and RAF on the handheld
This is a rather serious flaw that needs to be addressed. We know that you can create and process a production order all the way without having a BOM. So you can make something out of nothing. Not sure whether I would allow that if it were my ERP system but we have accepted that for years. Now...
Improve error message when releaseing prod order to warehouse
When I release a prod order to warehouse and I don't have all the materials I get an error that mentions the LOT ID of the item that is short. With a little effort it should be possible to have this error message talk part numbers , with description, so the user knows exactly which items are s...
On hand screen should show the Unit of M
The on hand screen should show the Unit of Measure. One should not have to look up the unit in the inventory tab of the item. IT should display clearly . The ON hand screen that shows inventory in horizontal rows, per site/ warehouse and location.
Allow cross docking PO - Prod order and Prod order- PRod order
This idea is an enhancement for the existing cross docking framework. The scenarios described below are very common in the discrete industry, especially in the complex equipment industry. scenario 1; No advanced warehousing. A production order has been released and started but there are materi...