Navigate from warehouse shipment lines to source document
Hello, In warehouse shipment lines, the source document No. is displayed but there is no way to open the source document card. As a user, I would expect to click on the Source Document No. field and then open the Sales Order or Purchase Return Order linked with the line. Please note that the a...
Navigate from Sales Invoice to Sales Shipments
Hello, In a sales invoice, you can navigate from a sales invoice line to the sales shipment line with the action Item Sales Shipment. But it has to be done line by line to see all the related shipments. An action on the header to list all shipments related to the sales invoice would be helpful....
Add the ability the renumber document No. in item journals automatically
Hello, There is a feature in accounting to renumber document no. in general journals. It could be nice to have it in all journals, especially in item/inventory/reclassment journals.
Intellisense: propose all objects when typing the data type of a variable
Hello, I think it would be a nice enhancement if during variable declaration we could start typing an object name just after the colon without specifying the object type. In the example below, the cursor position is represented by the underscore: local procedure MyProcedure() var ...
Bring back progress bars on Ratio controls and Dialogs
Hello, We are missing the progress indicator ( in these cases: - dialogs when we have the string @1@@@@@@@@@ (see: - controls on pages where th...
Show sales quote on contact card even if the quote is related to the customer
On a contact card, there is an action to get the list of sales quotes related to the company contact. If the quote is related to the contact the feature works. However, if the sales quote is related to the customer linked to the company contact, the quotes are not listed. This existing behaviou...