Remove test on 'Code' field in Post Code table (African countries)
The OnValidate trigger on the field City in table 225 contains a test on 'Code'. In certain (African) countries there is no postcode and only the City field is registered. Please remove this test, either provide support to omit the test via events.
Print non-posted sales credit memo (Draft credit memo)
BC contains an option to print a non-posted sales invoice, using the Draft Invoice action, or the Pro Forma Invoice action. (unclear about the difference between both actions). In the report selections, usage options 'Draft Invoice' and 'Pro Forma Invoice' are available. However, for creditmemo'...
Disable webclient animations
It would be interesting if the webclient / service tier could have a setting to disable all the (fancy) animations / sliding transitions between pages / opening - closing fasttabs. This looks nice but slows down the navigation process / UX, especially for experienced users / users needing to do f...
VS Code - "Go to 'Object' Definition" vs "Go to 'Variable Declaration' definition"
When developing in C/SIDE, the 'Go to Definition' on variables with a complex datatype (pages, tables, codeunits, ...) always opened the 'object'. It didn't point to the variable declaration (globals / locals) Working in AL with the 'Go to Definition' always navigates / points to the variable de...
Dynamically change the CurrPage.Editable property at runtime
We would like to provide proper user experience to prevent modification of records in certain scenarios . Following the thread on Github, we are trying to allow certain users to change data based on a status and others not to (or all users not to change data after a certain status is achieved). ...
Use 'AdditionalSearchTerms' to search for actions in the current page context
AdditionalSearchTerms works fine on pages, but could be used even more 'Application wide'. When the property is set, using 'Tell Me', the page will show up when you search on one of the AdditionalSearchTerms values. However, when you add an action to a page, referring to this same page (Runobjec...
'RECORDID' integration in field/page properties to ease the build of generic features
We often create generic functionalities (linking attachments, notes, comments, ...) that use 'RecordID' as a means to link data between master/detail record. On the master record, flowfields are added to show the no. of linked records, ... On the master pages, generic factboxes are added to show ...
New 'unused parameters in local functions' CodeCop rule
The AL CodeCop currently only detects unused variables, both global and local. However, when a local function is created, containing function parameters that are not used, it would be interesting to have a CodeCop rule detecting these 'unused local function parameters' as well. More info on Gi...
CodeCop rule for parameters conflicts in combination with WITH statement
Using WITH statements in combination with function parameters can often lead to errors, since the WITH statement is using the record 'field' instead of the - by the developer intended - function parameter. In the function below, it would be interesting to have a CodeCop rule to alert to refactor...
CodeCop rule for testing field length (Lookup Flowfields)
If a new flowfield of type Lookup is created, the field datatype/length is set. If the related table definition is changed, e.g. increase of related field length from text 50 to text 100, the related Lookup flowfields should be increased as well. Describe the solution you'd like: Have a new Code...